Saturday, March 3, 2012 - Costamar (Part 2) - So continuing on the journey I started yesterday--and let me tell you that posting a blog is an exercise in patience because just when you think all is going well, ZAP! Gone! And you have to start all over--or if you are very lucky, you might only have to repost half the pictures that you have painstakingly posted! In any event--it is an adventure and most likely a challenge! :)
Today's inspirational view! |
So, I was going to work on this earlier today but I just had to get outside with Geoff and walk the prom--it was a breathtakingly beautiful day--not a cloud in the sky except way over there surrounding La Gomera island--but none anywhere around here--not even up over the hills where it is usually cloudy! So off down the prom we walk--enjoying the crystal clear blue waters sparkling in the sun as the small sailboats maneuver the harbor. We decide to stop and sit on a bench near the put in for the sailboats and one entrance/exit to the beach.
We sat and I read--my book and Geoff read the "Daily Mail" newspaper from England (altho this edition is printed in Spain)...just sitting in the sun as are lots of other people. I stop reading and close my eyes to listen to the sounds: voices speaking in many languages [Spanish, French, German, multiple English accents, Wolof? (from multi-lingual Senegal), Arabic]--hearing snippets and laughter of many; children's voices laughing and a baby somewhere crying; a dog barking because the owner left him tied up while he took a sailing lesson; the sound of 2 small kids initially shreiking as the cold water of the outside shower hits their warm bodies; the sound of flip flops slap, slap, slapping walking feet; the buzz of the electric scooters whizzing by; the clumping of shoes against the tile promenade and many people make their way down the beach!
I open my eyes and watch the people moving by: people of many ages, many sizes, many modes of transportation (wheelchair, bike, rollerblades, scooters, walkers, & joggers), many races, many agendas--dressed for the sunshine...some with little clothing and some with much more! Some are browsing shops, some having cafe con leche at a cafe, some are sunbathing, some are just people watching like me! The myriad of activity and life on the prom is extraordianry and I wanted to embrace it all! I love this place for all it's diversity (not to mention the sunshine!)!
Okay, so for those of you who just look at my blog for the pictures, I'll get back to those now!
Just one of my "quirky" photos--the hotel next door--sort of cool, all those rectangles! |
We shared a delightful day with Rob & Thelma (the guys did the beer thing while we shopped) in Las Americas:
(Back row: Rob & Geoff; Front row: Thelma & Sue)
One of the Las Americas' views! |
Las Americas ocean side pool with a section the promenade in the distance! |
Rob & Thelma head for one of the shops! |
3 Amigos from Garstang: Rob, Sassy Thelma & Geoff!! |
"The guys" and their beer!!! Cheers! :) |
She's a real English Rose--my friend, Thelma!
Rob & Thelma by the rocky beach! |
Geoff & Rob soaking up sun & waiting while we shop! |
Gas saving tiny surfboard mover! |
Parasailing over the ocean!
A cactus with some bouganvilla growing around it--very pretty!
A fisherman on the Las Americas rocks!
One of many shopping centers!
We had such fun with Rob & Thelma and were sorry to see them go after their stay was over! And sorrier yet to know they were heading back to cold and wet England! Adios dear friends--until next time!
This is all for now--looks like a Part 3 will have to be done to give you all the pictures from our day out last Thursday to Los Gigantes!
Adios, amigo/amiga!
Love, Sue & Geoff xo |
Finally! Finally had a chance to stop by your blog and read, enjoy, and look at your fun pictures! Yay!