Monday, March 12, 2012


Los Gigantes preparing for Carnaval!

Monday, March 12, 2012 - costamar - Part 3 - I'm at it again...finally going to post my Part 3 about our bus ride to Los Gigantes over a week ago.   I say I'm on "island time" because it is very laid back here and things are not necessarily done right on time--if the parade is to start at 5 PM, it MAY start by 5:50 PM!   Sort of like, for those who have been in Hawaii often enough, like "island time" there!   So I figure I'm not too far behind if I go by island time!   Ha!

It all started with a very good plan to ride the public bus to Costa del Silencio (next to Las Gallestas that we visited already) to see what it was all about--well--we get off the bus and walk down a street with some cute and interesting little bar/restaurants, cross the street to more of the same with some added small shops and while looking around, discover the area is influenced by the Belgium people who have settled here.   Geoff asks a local about how we get to the beach and she looks a bit confused then says the nearest beach is the one at Las Galletas!  In the meantime I am admiring this huge fountain that is spilling water over the top like an overrun bathtub or hottub and there are people in it!   Not real people but it has some men & women shapes from the chest upward and they are secured in place but on some sort of swival so they can turn at will in the water--very cool artwork!
The "artwork" on the street corner--check out the dark cloud above!

Some of the "people" in the pool!

Soooo...after viewing the "artwork" (above) and a quick look around at the shops, etc., we notice that not only is there a huge dark cloud over but the winds are kicking up--not unusual for this area where windsurfing is popular--so we decide to get some lunch and opt for "Pizza Taxi" and have a really delish pizza!   The nice thing about all the little cafes is that you can people watch as well as check out the area.   Most of the cafes have covered areas besides the indoor area so it's all comfortable!   We decide we have seen all we can of this tiny community so we wait for the bus back to Los Cristianos.   Just as the bus arrives, Geoff proposes to go ride the bus to Los Gigantes--which is going back to Los Cristianos then through several small towns ending in Los Gigantes--so on the other side of where we are--I'm all for it so we settle in for an interesting bus ride.  The lanscape is always interesting to me--here's a bit of what we saw along the way:

I'm always taken by the moonlike landscape!

An old style bus stop along the trip!

Saw many, many acres of banana trees growing!

Couldn't help wondering what electrician Billy Ohumukini would think of this work???

It's difficult to take good pictures from a fast moving bus so many didn't turn out but the places we saw (like Playa de San Juan, Alcala, Puerta de Santiago, Callao Salvaje, Playa Paraiso, Adeje) were interesting--some modern, some old school for the area!  Banana trees for miles and miles in places--until the landscape got too steep. As we get to Los Gigantes the bus starts a winding route down the side of the steep, mountainous area--sort of like going down Lombard Street in San Francisco but not as short for the turns--it is a real trip on a long bus taking the curves!   It's a beautiful place as we head to the bus stop to disembark!  I like what I see in this area and it amazes me how they build right up the mountain and terrace the buildings:

Notice the slanted building--right up the side of the mountain!

We head downhill towards the beach to see what we can:
Some great cacti near the bus stop...

...then a building covered with gorgeous bougainvillea...

...the town is getting ready for their Carnaval to follow on the weekend...

...followed by more cool cacti!...

...and we finally get down to the beach---it's beautiful!

We can't help noticing a topless sunbather near us so I snapped a picture...then told Geoff to yell "Fire" and see if she would sit up!   Haha    He wouldn't do it but she did sit up anyway and pull a top on over her, as Geoff says "little chest"!   We see topless old women all the time in Los Cristianos and most of them really need to keep their tops on!
Our photo opp "eye candy"on the volcanic sand beach!  Haha

Another cool cactus and the building up the hillside!

Pretty ground cover!

We ended up at "Tipsy Terrace" for a drink and to enjoy the late afternoon rays & views--the tennis club courts and the mountains in one direction--the water was downhill on other side!

We're back on the bus as the sun sets over Puerta de Santiago!

Reminds me of Hawaii--but it is Playa de San Juan on the trip back!   Nice bus stop!

Sort of the"Stonehenge" of Tenerife, in my opinion!

(Posting this now so I don't lose it while I'm going to Burial of the Sardine--more later!)  xo Sue

It's now Tuesday, March 13, 2012 and I'll tell you all about the Burial of the Sandine in a future post--with pictures!   Now back to this trip and additional photos from the ride back to Los Cristianos!

There's a lot of banana trees between us and the ocean.

Going through narrow village streets.

Enjoying assorted views of the setting sun over La Gomera island!

Night is starting to settle over the hillsides--banana trees in foreground.

Somewhere around Callao Gordo is this pink castle looking place (unsure what it is--possibly a hotel out in the middle of nothing but banana trees--that space that looks sort of like a triangular slab of gray is a cover over some banana trees--some are grown out in the open others have protective covers!

I find the architecture very interesting--when not up the side of a mountian very vertical!

Near Callao Salvaje as it gets darker.

As we continue on I miss getting a picture of the herd of camels near the town of Armenime--but thrilled to actually see them here.   The lights are on in the bus making it harder to take a picture through the window so I turn off my camera and just enjoy the rest of the ride to our temporary home!
It was another great day on Tenerife!

A thought-provoking sign:
They advertise the "best deals on the island"--hmmm....?

That's it for today--have lots of pictures to look at from Los Cristanos Carnaval, etc., and will be posting the best of them soon for you all to enjoy!   On with the day!
Hasta luego, amigo/a!

Geoff & Sue (Playa Los Gigantes)

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