Saturday, February 5, 2011


SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2011 – Chiristchurch Top 10 Holiday Park again!
It’s been a busy last few days before we fly back to Auckland tomorrow. 
We have spent a fair amount of time securing a place to stay on Waiheke Island and were successful yesterday and negotiated a deal for the rest of our stay in a cottage located at a place called “Surfdale Beach” on Waiheke Island.   We will spend tomorrow night in Auckland at The Jucy Hotel and then take the 35 minute ferry ride over to Waiheke Island and get the keys to the place.   It sounds perfect for the last almost 7 weeks!  Will provide pictures when we get there and settled in.
We spent time at the public library in Brighton (a Christchurch suburb) and the views at the beach were great!  Here’s the pier:

And a little "eye candy" walking in front of me:

We had a nice stay there and then on Thursday night we watched (on my laptop) the DVDs “Momma Mia” and then a British comic, Ronnie Barker, both were very good and I had seen Momma Mia on the big screen but enjoyed watching it again.   Ruby makes a good “personal screening room” with the curtains closed and the lights off!
On Friday afternoon, after arriving here, we took the city bus into downtown Christchurch to celebrate Chinese New Year (a day late here!) and have dinner at a Restaurant called “Joyful”—Geoff had eaten there before and it was very good! The sun was very bright and in our eyes!

We saw a lot of earthquake damage while riding the bus and also while walking:

These are buildings that they are repairing but we saw some (from the bus) that were total ruins.    Very sad to see old, historic buildings like that!
We saw a lot of these sort of notices posted: 

We  walked to cathedral square where there was some “crazy” guy with a personal mic set up spewing forth his thoughts about God, fornication, sins, etc…along with some Hari Kirshner’s, homeless and regular folks.  

The buildings there are beautiful ad the city is very pretty with lots of flowers in spite of all its been through with the earthquakes/aftershocks: 

And, of course, they (along with all of NZ) are counting down to being the 2011 World Cup hosts:

We went to Dux de Lux Restaurant/Pub/Brewery (we spent that afternoon in the sister place in Queenstown a few weeks ago) and tried the local stuff--Weka cider & "Blue Duc Ale": 

A bus ride back to camp and another great day!
Today we got laundry done and since Geoff got his hair cut in Brighton yesterday, I went to the mall and had mine taken care of.   Unbelievably the price ranged from $185 to $130 to the cheap one of $45 (that's NZD not USD) and that’s the one I opted for (10 foils, color and cut!)..not bad for the el cheapo-do: 

We just went and watched "SALT" (starring Angelina Jolie) here at the park's movie room--it was okay but give me something more realistic!  :)   Geoff packed all his crap in less than 20 minutes--it'll take me a LOT longer...LOL..oh well, better get at it!
Geoff talked to his friends Heather and Mike (that I met in Nelson a few weeks ago) and they are up in the Auckland area with their daughter and son-in-law so we are going to meet them all for dinner down on the "viaduct" in Auckland tomorrow night--should be fun!    That's it from the South Island of New Zealand.   More to come from the North Island...Love, Sue & Geoff xo

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